Yarra Valley Living Centre
...where Magic happens
No matter what is happening in the world, we believe that mere survival is not a worthy option.
At the Yarra Valley Living Centre we hold strong to the principle of ‘living’.
Whether at work or at home, knowing that when we manage and lead ourselves well, everything else somehow falls into place.
Our team have spent many years studying the 'how' and that's what we share with you here.

Our combined research tells us that right now, there are 4 main pillars to living a life from choice
Inner Stability, Clarity and Authenticity
Physical, Emotional, Mental, Financial
Yours and the World Around You
We are made for connection and belonging

No one ever gave us the manual to being human.
We get shaped by the world around us. There are expectations and demands and we grow and perform (or not) according to the cultural norms.
Here at the Yarra Valley Living Centre, we believe that time is invoking us, calling us to renewal - individually and collectively returning to live from the authentic, sacred part of our being.
On-site and online, this is a co-creative space of like-minded and like-hearted people who walk different paths, respectfully and generously sharing with each other the wisdom that is harvested along the way.

Subscribe to stay connected. It's easy - whether you're a beginner or have plateaued or you want something new and fresh.